Nicaragua: A Splash, A Dash and A Crash

A few years back I was privileged to be able to spend three and a half months in Nicaragua. I was there with a group of friends doing community development projects and running medical clinics in different villages in the Northeast region of the country. While that time was very rewarding and full of adventures what I'm going to cover here are the few weeks of vacationing we did during our trip.

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How to Plan an International Trip

If you've never traveled outside your country of residence, planning an international trip can be incredibly daunting. How do you choose a location? Find plane tickets? Lodging that isn't sketchy? Sort out visas? I may have grown up traveling, but at some point all of these questions shifted from my parents to me as I left home and started adventuring on my own.  It's definitely been a learning process, so I want to share my discoveries with you so that hopefully you will feel empowered to plan your own international trip in the near future. 

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Backpacking Yosemite

Shortly after we moved to California for Justin to attend medical school, we found ourselves on the cusp of a highly coveted long weekend with no plans. As we sat on the bed discussing what a crime it would be to waste the weekend without having any adventure, a plan began to emerge. We would go to Yosemite to backpack. That night. It was already evening and the drive would be six hours so there was no time to hesitate.

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A Day in Zion

We have two days off... where should we go? Zion National Park is only six hours away. Sweet, we should go there. We can drive for half a day and then have a full afternoon and morning of adventure. Okay, let's start packing. And that's how we ended up on a short but exhilarating trip to Zion last fall. How we convinced two friends to accompany us for twelve hours of driving for a day of fun I don't now, but we did. I guess we have some pretty cool friends. 

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Passport Photos: The Real Story

One of the first concrete steps in planning an international trip is obtaining a passport. That is assuming you want to avoid time spent in a cramped cell somewhere. Filling out the form and paying a small fortune are the easy two steps of the trifecta needed to be successful in obtaining your passport. The third step, providing a passport photo, seems easy enough at first but upon further investigation becomes a challenge like unto stepping foot on the moon. When you've mastered it you'll feel as if a giant leap for mankind has just occurred.

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Visiting the Asaro Mudmen

Towards the end of our time living in Papua New Guinea, it became evident that we could not leave without having made a visit to the notorious Asaro Mudmen. A small tribe from a village just outside Goroka in the Eastern Highlands Province, they rose to fame by defeating other tribes by smearing their bodies in mud and wearing terrifying clay masks when at war. The story goes that they were once attacked by another tribe and hid by the Asaro River until evening. At dusk they decided to make a run for it and hope for survival. But when the other tribe saw them rising from the river banks glowing pale from the white mud they'd come in contact with, they fled in terror believing the Asaro tribe to be spirits. Therefore, they decided - with great success - to play up this image.

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